Senin, 15 Februari 2016

Developer and Designer Why should compact ..?


It seems like a reasonable idea: Designers and developers must work together. But too often, these people work in isolation while working on the same project. designers work to create elements and color palettes and typography looks great, while the developer to prepare codes and materials for web publishing. And this can lead to disputes between designers and web developers and at the end of the design itself. If designers and developers work together on a project from start to finish, the result is a more cohesive web project with great aesthetics, between the user and clean code. There is a bit of work and rework during the collaborative process, is expected to produce a project that can be completed in a short time.

A typical web design using graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to create any web site and similar elements. This aesthetic is coded using HTML, Javascript, jQuery, CSS and other programming languages by web developers to make it all work on the web.
While designers and developers often work in the room or even separate countries, each of them requires more skill to create a complete website. So they must work together.

Simple, the biggest reason why designers and developers must work together is to create a web project that is more complete. Featuring the expertise of the interaction, the project will be better when designers and developers to collaborate. (And it's almost impossible to not do today.)

While we are talking about designers and developers work together, do not forget to invite them to a group of interaction designers as well.

Collaboration many other benefits:

The existence of many eyes to see everything better and find flaws or mistakes
more exchange of ideas and design
the wealth of experience that is more complete, because designers can understand whether the developers are able to create
A more cohesive finished product, in which all the parts look like they belong in accordance with the aesthetics and interaction
You will learn something about how the design / development
Combining ideas for a more rounded vision of the project is supposed
Fertilize focus on the mission and goals of the project design
Cons of Working Together

Although I would like to say there are no cons to work together, it will sound naive.

Not many disadvantages for collaboration. But there are two things to consider:

Things You Can Do

There are some costs associated with having people get together at the same time, especially if the workers are not usually in the same location. Use tools to teleconference and share them online to communicate when you can not make everyone in the same room at the same time.
Sometimes people will agree or will not get along. But we're all grown up, right? We can work through it

5 Tips for Designers

Explaining the theory in a simple design to help developers understand where aesthetics come.
Interactive elements to consider when you design, and how they will work. Ensure that all parts are designed for each stage of interactivity.
Detailed design. Do not expect developers replicate and edit each section. Creating elements for each state and set it up.
Ask for assistance throughout the project. If you are unsure whether a particular font will work on a web site, then ask.
Provide design elements in a file format that can be used and the appropriate resolution and size for use on the web.

5 Tips for Developers

Learn about the design. Knowing a bit of the theory in terms of color and type and language even further.
Be honest about what you can and can not do. If a designer intervened in translating the web, say something sooner rather than later.
Always ready to answer questions and help during the design process.
Involved in the process from the beginning. Help brainstorm design ideas that can work with UX.
Maintaining the integrity of the design - even the parts you do not like or approved - in the development process. You will only make it into the enemy by changing the visual things without the "development" purposes.
One of the biggest pieces of advice to designers and developers are not all that new, but still relevant. The "Manifesto for Agile Software Development" highlights four principles that all web designers, web developers and interaction designers must coexist.

Individuals and interact during the process and equipment
working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan

To help bridge the gap between designers and developers and to work better in concert, these two types of web professionals need to speak with the other language. Designers and developers have started to expand their expertise.

Every designer and developer should have a basic understanding and knowledge of:

design principles, such as color, space and typography
image formats and sizes optimal
a basic understanding of HTML and CSS
The use of web fonts
Trends in design and development
Understanding users' wants and needs
Grid, framework and wireframeing

the real question starts to become less about why designers and developers must work together, but how much better they understand the work and other tasks. In the end the two jobs have a single goal: To create a website is phenomenal.

One thing that we really have to start thinking about designing development. Because the reality is that all development is the design and development of web design is. You can not have one without the other, and web design becomes more complex it would be more correct. So maybe what we need is a new job description or title which shows that web designers and developers related.

Here's my suggestion: Why do not we see this collectively as a web developer designer? What are you thinking? Share ideas and potential job title with us in the comments.

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